Parchi del Ducato
Ente di Gestione per i Parchi e la Biodiversità Emilia Occidentale
Parco dei Boschi di Carrega
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Parco dei Boschi di Carrega

The refined atmosphere of the ducal woods

Established in 1982 it was the Region Emilia Romagna's first Park.
It extends over the Quaternary river terraces between the Taro river and the Baganza stream, over about 1,270 ha (2,600 considering the adjacent area too). It safeguards a woody hill area of great natural, historical and cultural interest. The beautiful landscape shows woods alternating with stable meadows and arable lands crossed by many brooks and small artificial sheets of water created for landscape and irrigation purposes between the late 1800s and the early 1900s.
If you like history and art, the Park also keeps some precious architectural jewels, such as the Casino de' Boschi.

Carrega woods offer many interesting elements all the year round, and the Park promotes several cultural and environmental education activities for schools.

Since 2012 it has been managed by the Managing Authority for the Parks and Biodiversity - Western Emilia