Parchi del Ducato
Ente di Gestione per i Parchi e la Biodiversità Emilia Occidentale
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Ente di Gestione per i Parchi e la Biodiversità Emilia - Occidentale

The Ente di Gestione per i Parchi e la Biodiversità Emilia - Occidentale (Management Authority for Western Emilia's Parks and Biodiversity) manages five Regional Parks and four Regional Nature Reserves in the Provinces of Parma and Piacenza:
    This new governance system of Emilia Romagna's Protected Natural Areas was established after the approval of the Regional Law No. 24 of 23rd December 2011 about the "Reorganization of the Regional System of the Protected Areas and of the Natura 2000 network's sites and Establishment of the Stirone and Piacenziano Regional Park" 02/01/2012 entered into force since January 1, 2012;

    The Region chose a management based on five macro-areas: Western Emilia, Central Emilia, Eastern Emilia, Po Delta, Romagna.

    Each macro-area has a Managing Authority for the parks and the biodiversity, which both the Municipalities situated, even partially, within one of the Parks, and the Provinces including parks, nature reserves or Natura 2000 Network's sites take part in.

    The governance bodies of the managing Authority are the following:
    • The Park Community - one for each Park - where the municipalities included in the protected area are represented
    • The Executive Committee, composed of a representative for each Park community, besides the presidents of the Provinces or their delegates
    At present, the Executive Committee is composed of 7 members:
    • Agostino Maggiali (representing the Community of the Parco dei Cento Laghi)
    • Paolo Bianchi (representing the Community of the Parco Fluviale del Taro)
    • Cristina Merusi (representing the Community of the Parco dei Boschi di Carrega)
    • Giuseppe Coppellotti (representing the Community of the Parco dello Stirone e del Piacenziano)
    • Giorgio Cisini (representing the Community of the Parco Fluviale del Trebbia)
    • Stefano Perrucci (representing the Province of Piacenza)
    • Gianpaolo Cantoni (representing the Province of Parma)
    The President is the legal representative of the manging Authority, convenes and presides over the Executive Committee and monitors the right and prompt implementation of the approved measures.

    The current president of the managing Authority is Agostino Maggiali

    The proposing and advisory bodies of the managing authority:
    • each Park's Councils
    • the Committee for the promotion of the Macro-area